Friday, August 7, 2009

Noah's Ark (de Ark van Noach)

Before we left for the Netherlands, our small group from church bought us tickets to see Noah's Ark. A man from the Netherlands has built a 1/14th sized replica of the actual ark. After 6.5 months, we finally found the time to go and visit. Here are the pictures. By the way, we had a blast and it was the best going away present we could have ever gotten. Thanks, again!

Frollicking in the Garden

Last Sunday afternoon, I got inspired to take some pictures of the girls. Mainly, it started as an attempt to capture Avery's cuteness and then it turned into me trying to be creative, then into Kaeli showing off for the camera. We got some good video too, but I haven't figured out how to post those yet (or get them off of the video camera). I'll have to get B's help for that!

Kaeli posing and dancing:

Avery being adorable:

Mowing the yard (Bryan is proud that it only takes 15 minutes to mow AND weedeat).


That's right, 3 posts in one night (and at least one more after this one).
We've been to Amsterdam several times, but finally remembered to take the camera this time. We visited our Shell friends from Houston, Karel, Alison and Eliska Kapoun. They've been here just about a year and live in Amsterdam (so glad we live in Den Haag, not Amsterdam). Three strollers and a pregnant woman (no, not me, Alison). We walked ALL over Amsterdam. Then, came back to their apartment and had a great lunch. Enjoy the pictures!

Arnhem, NL

I posted a couple of posts ago about our trip to Arnhem with our friends from New Ground, Jody, Abi, and Sam. Here are the pictures which I finally got off the camera.
And here are pictures of Kaeli being cute and Avery telling us that she's tired of us dragging her around the Netherlands!!
We had a great time walking around in the rain. Kaeli especially like the ice cream! The cathedral was gorgeous and the Rhein River was very pretty as well. Of course, it's always good to spend the day with friends, especially those from Texas. We miss you Licatino's (and all the rest of you too!).

Afternoon in the garden

This picture was taken a long time ago, June 30th, to be exact. I think Bryan's dad took the picture, but I really don't remember. Like how can all fit into the wagon?