"Mommy, did you know that this was my last week to be three? I turn four today! Is it time for my birthday party?"
"No, Sweetheart. We've got lots of things to do this morning before your birthday party. Mommy needs to sleep a little more then Avery and Daddy go to gymnastics, you and Mommy have to go buy groceries, then it's nap time..."
"No, Mommy. Not nap, rest! Big girls don't take naps."
"You're right... Then after nap, we'll go pick up your birthday cake."
"Then it's time for my party!"
"Yes, then it's time for your party."
"And then I will be four!"
"Well, actually... Nevermind, yes, and then you will be four."
Technically, Kaeli will be 4 tomorrow, but why argue? It did give me an excuse to tell her to stop something today because "4-year-olds don't act that way". We had a wonderful party yesterday at the Little Gym. We had 3 Dutch friends from her old day care, 1 Polish friend and 2 British friends from her new school, and several American friends from church. The kids had a blast playing and eating Tinker Bell cupcakes, and the parents had fun getting to know each other a little better. And the best part was that I didn't have to clean up and my house was not a mess when we got home. Well, actually, it was a mess because I didn't have time to clean up, but it was not the disaster zone it would have been after a birthday party! Here are some pictures.
Happy Birthday, Princess!