Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wal-Mart Trip #2

First item on the to do list today, "Go to Wal-Mart!" OK, so I know it's a little crazy, but I did actually have things that I needed to buy today. Here was my list:
Acteva (yea me, I got a cold sore on my vacation)
Tampons (yea me again)
Pre-paid cell phone (so that our friends and family can actually call us while we're here)
Dress for Kaeli (I forgot to pack one, and she's had two melt downs because of it)
Socks (I've needed longer socks for the colder weather, finally got some)
Shaving Cream for B (told him not to pack anything that I could get at Wal-Mart)
Detangler and toothpaste for K (ditto to above)
Clothes for A (for some reason, Kaeli didn't wear many winter clothes at size 24 months)

Only in America can you find all of these things at one place! I would have had to go to at least 3 or 4 stores in the Hague. God Bless America!! :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! So glad you're 'home.' Those girls and they're dresses, when they know what they want to wear, it's NOTHING stopping them! :) Can't wait to see you four!
