Monday, April 20, 2009

Our First Day Trip (at least the 1st one where we remembered the camera!)

We went to Keukenhof this weekend (  We had a great time.  The earlier you get there, the better because the crowds and buses loaded with people start to show up between 10 & 11.  We got there about 9:30 and pretended it was Easter because we got zero pics last Sunday (long story!).  Here are the pictures.  Enjoy!

Here is Kaeli posing in from of the "pink" tulips and Avery in front of yellow ones.

Our attempts to get a picture of them together.

Avery touching the flowers.

K-Rae, the super model (we're in trouble!).

Pictures of the tulip fields and other flowers (most of these Kaeli took herself!)


  1. Oh the flowers (and girls) are gorgeous!! Oh Avery looks more and more like Brian! Oh how big Kaeli looks! I had a dream about y'all last night. We were visiting you all in the NL. Man, if only... ;)

  2. LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL!!!! The girls are getting so big and BEAUTIFUL!! I LOVE TULIPS !!! I miss y'all so much!!!
