Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Some random thoughts...

I've had alot on my mind lately. Haven't really had time to write it down, so I'm going to put some of it down now.

If you hadn't heard, Shell is undergoing a major reorg and over 75% of staff will be reapplying for jobs in the next month or two. We are being told that 20-30% of jobs will be cut! The Executive-level folks have already gone through their round of job cuts and it was right about 30% for them. We're expecting it to be lower on our end of the totem poll, but not much. Bryan does not have to apply for his job, but I must reapply for mine. I'm sure I will have a job, but I have no idea whether we'll get to stay in the Netherlands or have to move back early. I wouldn't mind moving back, but am not looking forward to uprooting the family again so soon. Don't feel like packing/unpacking 5 times in 3 months again either! Oh well, we'll see how things go. Keep us in your prayers as there is a lot of uncertainty these days.

New Schools
The last week has been very crazy. We are moving Avery to a new day care which is closer to our home and my work (though with the reorg, I will most likely have to move to Rijswijk - 20 minutes driving, 40 minutes by public transport). We could only get her in 4 days/week, so the 5th day she is still at her old day care. Kaeli also started the British School last week, sort of. They have this 'induction period' that is excruciatingly painful for 2 full-time working parents. She went for 1-hour two Fridays ago, then last week, she went Tues & Thurs 9-12. This week is 5 days, but only 9-12. Next week, she goes until 12:30 on Mon & Tues, then until 1:30 the rest of the week (I think). So, one of us takes Avery in, another waits around until its time to take Kaeli, then one of us picks Kaeli up and takes her to her current day care for the afternoon, finally, someone goes to pick up one or both girls. It's a nightmare and I've been working nights and weekends just to try to get my 40 hours in. The good news, and the thing that keeps us going, is that the girls love their new schools! We will be glad when we can finally get into a new routine when Kaeli goes full-time starting in October. There's a bus that will pick her up and take her to after-school care, so minimal back-and-forths in any given day. After-school is closer to home (at least 3 days a week), so it will be nice though I must admit I will probably miss my 'commute' on the bike.

Out of Touch
Found out today that one of my good friends from grad school had a baby 5 weeks ago. I didn't even know she was pregnant! She even works for Shell, so it's not like I have an excuse for not keeping in touch... We have internal IM! I also found out that my best friend and maid of honor has to cancel her trip to Europe. I was going to get to see her for the first time in almost 6 years and now I don't know when I'll see her again. This really got me down today and made me miss my friends and family even more than I usually do. I am so out of touch. I've tried to get video chat up and working, but don't have time to sit down and really get it working (guess I could be doing that now, but then you'd complain cause I never update my blog!). So, if you haven't heard from me in a while it's not that I don't think of you, it's just I can't seem to find time to keep in touch. Maybe when I don't have to work nights and weekends...

Avery Talks - but we need translation
This has been a pretty depressing post, so I'll end on a funny note. Avery has been babbling for months now and lately has become quite the communicator. She does more signs every day and can definitely point and grunt to tell you EXACTLY what she wants. She can say, and we can understand, the basics: Mama, Dada, Thank You, Please, but I've been wondering if she's saying more words and we just don't understand her because she is saying them in Dutch.

Well, this past weekend, my fears were confirmed! We went over to a Dutch friends house and Avery was babbling along, then said "Die" and "deze" while pointing out a variety of things. Well, come to find out, she's saying 'this' and 'this one'! Guess we need to practice our Dutch more. I feel pretty bad that we don't even have the vocabulary of our 17-month old!

Oh, and to make things worse, Kaeli is fluent. When we have play dates with her Dutch friends from day care, she'll only speak Dutch. Her friend's mom has to translate for us! We are sooooo sad!! Oh well, we're taking lessons and getting better every week. We'll be able to understand them both soon (I hope).

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