Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Little Bit of Home

Today was a good day.  The girls are so much fun these days.  They laugh all of the time and if they're not laughing then their usually making us laugh.  Sure, they have their moments (don't we all!), but for the most part we have two perfect little angels.

After we got up and ate breakfast, Avery took a nap and Kaeli and I waited for the grocery delivery guy to show up with our weekly groceries.  Yep, we got our groceries delivered!  I went online and ordered (the website is completely in Dutch), picked a two-hour window for delivery this morning, and TahDah groceries showed up on my doorstep.  Normally, Bryan likes to take one of the girls grocery shopping on Saturday morning, but since he went golfing, I decided I would try this to keep my sanity and make sure we had food in the fridge for dinner.

Then, we went to the brand new The Little Gym here in the Hague.  It was great!  Kaeli walked in and said "Mommy!  It's just like my Little Gym in Texas!!"  Very cute!  Then, she was a perfect angel while Avery and I did a 50 minute "mommy & me" class.  Avery was adorable.  She loves to throw herself backwards and hang upside down.  She also liked walking around during circle time to meet all the other babies.  She was a big flirt!  Then, the bubbles came out.  She couldn't get enough of them.  

After Avery's class, Kaeli got her turn for her Big Girl class.  It's not a combo dance/gymnastics course like in Katy, but it still was great.  She loved running around the gym and doing forward rolls and walking on the balance beam and hanging from the bars.  Of course, she understood every word they said in Dutch.  She's amazing!

The teachers were amazing and it even though the class was mostly taught in Dutch, it still felt great to experience a little piece of home.  Then, for fun, we went to McDonald's for lunch.  Gotta love American fast food!!!

After nap, we went to the park and met some new friends.  We had to leave sooner than I would've liked, but I needed to go get my new bike.  It's great (and locked down tight).  I can't wait to start riding it soon.  Maybe I can ride it somewhere tomorrow?!  (Didn't think I'd ever say that about riding a bike!)  Hopefully, I will get a picture of this one before it gets stolen!

Then we came home and ate dinner.  Put Avery down for the night and watched Kaeli color pictures.  She and Bryan were chatting and she started singing a song that I had never heard before.  When Bryan asked here where she learned that song, she said that she learned it when Mommy & Daddy were getting married and she was with God.  She also told us that we were going to get married again and that she and Avery and Nana and Pa and Grandma and Papa and God and Jesus would be there.  We would have to take a car to get there and she gave directions:  Make a left, then a right, go straight for a little bit then make a left and make another right.  It may be a coincidence but these are the exact directions for how we get to church from our house!  Bizarre!  And she repeated it twice (once to Bryan when I was putting Kaeli down and once to me when I got back downstairs!). We thought this conversation was interesting and very thought provoking.  I wonder how she comes up with these things sometimes or if she knows something we don't know.  

OK, girls are in bed and the house is mostly clean, so I'm going to try to go spend some quality time with my hubby.  More to come...


  1. All I can say is I miss those sweet girls. And their funny parents. Glad you got a little slice of there in the Hague! Love ya

  2. Tagged you in something on my blog....feel free to not paticipate ;)

    Oh, and I made grape Kool aid the other day and thought of Bryan ;)
