Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My (not so glamorous) trip to London

So, I called my mom this week (I had missed her when I called the past two weekends).  We had to briefly discuss their upcoming trip to NL (can't wait to see you all!) and our plans to go to Paris as a family.  Pretty cool, but I had to make it quick because I was running out the door on my way to London.  "That's exciting!", my mom says to me...  Well, not really.  All work and no play, but I thought I would share with you all my journey to London on Monday so that you are not too jealous of me getting to travel Europe while we're over here!

  • 05:45 Alarm rings and I get up to take a shower and get ready
  • 06:00 Kaeli (or Avery, I can't really remember now) wakes up yelling "MOMMY!" (or possibly just crying, can't remember that either!)
  • 07:00 I am dressed, so Bryan walks out the door for work and I finish getting the girls breakfast and dressed for school.
  • 07:15 We're out the door on the bike to ride (OK, they get to ride, I get to pedal with an extra 70 pounds of kid on the bike) 30 minutes to day care.
  • 08:00 Leave day care and bike to 2 grocery stores (we're out of milk and I am being a loving wife by not going out of town with no milk in the fridge - Avery is off of formula now, so this would have been detrimental to our marriage.  1st store didn't have soy.)
  • 08:45 Back at home to finish packing and put together stuff for Kaeli's swimming lessons since Bryan would be taking both girls by himself (dinner for A, snack for K, swimsuit, towel, etc)
  • 09:00 Walk 15 minutes to the office with my suitcase in tow
  • 13:00 After several hours of working, I call my mom as I'm walking out the door.
  • 13:30 Walk 5 minutes to tram stop, take tram to train station, buy train ticket, miss train, get back on tram to the other train station to catch next train to Amsterdam.  Once in Amsterdam I  take a ferry to the other side of the river to another Shell office bldg where I have a meeting at 3pm
  • 15:00 Almost late for my meeting (which I am facilitating), but all goes well.
  • 17:30 Leave offices, walk back to ferry, take ferry back to train station, take another train to airport (suitcase and laptop bag still in tow)
  • 18:00 At airport with 1 hr until flight leaves.  Walked briskly to the very end of a very long terminal (why do I always get the gate at the end?), just in time to get through security and board the plane.
  • 19:00 Flight leaves NL
  • 20:00 (19:00 London time) Arrive at London Heathrow.  Tired of public transportation, so I took a taxi to the hotel.
  • 21:00 (20:00 London time) Make phone call to US to make sure work is getting done on some projects while I sleep!
  • 22:00 (21:00 London time) Wait!  I forgot to eat dinner.  Down to the hotel restaurant to grab something to eat and then off to bed (luckily, I couldn't connect to the internet so I did go to bed).
  • 22:45 (21:45 London time)  Sound asleep with no kids or husband to wake me up in the middle of the night!  OK, maybe the trip was worth it.  Ha!

See, not so glamorous afterall!!  Of course, the worst part was the following morning when I got into a cab to get to my meetings and he pulled out a map!  I should've known I was in trouble!!  Was 15 minutes late for THAT meeting.  I hate being late!



  1. Man... I bet you are getting skinny (well skinnier). I miss you!

  2. I miss you too girl. Didn't mean to make you cry over my silly post. We miss you like crazy. We need to make a 'date' and catch each other on facebook one night so we can IM. I can't wait to see more pics of NL. Have you posted any anywhere online?
